Medical Knowledge given bv Prophet Mohammad(S.A.W)

I seek refuge in Allah from shaytan, the accursed.
O my Lord open my chest and make my work easy for me and open the knot of my tongue, so that they (the people) will understand my speech
I would like to start my column with the gratitude of Allah who is the Creator, the sustainer and the real Healer. He created entire world and he knows each and every thing, which is above the sky, between the sky and earth and beneath the earth. He knows what is under the bottom of seas and what is inside the mountain.
We look to the plants that stand by their roots. The beauty of plants comes by its stems, leaves, flowers. These are not useless; Allah gave healing effect on them. It is up to us how much knowledge we have about Natural things and how much we understand Allah's power.
Herbal and Nutritional products have a very important role on our health. They nourish the body, so that the body can heal itself.
Herbal and Nutritional products have a very important role on our health. They nourish the body, so that the body can heal itself.
Allah created plants, animals and minerals for benefit of human being and Allah also gave healing effect through them. He gave healing effect in Honey. Allah says in Holly Qur'an in Surah An Nahl Chapter 16 Verses 68 & 69 more or less meaning is that:
And thy Lord taught the Bee to build its cells in hills, on trees, and in men's habitations. Then to eat of all the produce (of the earth), and find with skill the spacious paths of its Lord: there issues from within their bodies a drink of (varying colors, wherein is healing for men: verily in this is a Sign for those who give thought.
And thy Lord taught the Bee to build its cells in hills, on trees, and in men's habitations. Then to eat of all the produce (of the earth), and find with skill the spacious paths of its Lord: there issues from within their bodies a drink of (varying colors, wherein is healing for men: verily in this is a Sign for those who give thought.
At the time of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) there was no modern Medical Technology, but people of those days were healthy, because they were living their lives in a natural way, obeying the orders of Allah and following the life styles of Prophet Mohammad (SAW).
If we maintain our daily life according to Allah's Health Rule, we will be healthy. Living our lives in a simple way will protect us from many diseases. Eat those things which Allah allows to eat, avoid those things which Allah prohibits.
If we maintain our daily life according to Allah's Health Rule, we will be healthy. Living our lives in a simple way will protect us from many diseases. Eat those things which Allah allows to eat, avoid those things which Allah prohibits.
Manners of eating and sleeping: Before and after eating food, first we should wash our hands, sit for eating in such a manner as Prophet Mohammad (SAW) mentioned, and start eating by saying:
I begin with the name of Allah and with the barakah (blessings) of Allah.
Eat in such a way as Prophet Mohammad (SAW) said. Eat by using fingers instead of spoon and fork. Because by the order of Allah, fingers secrete enzymes during eating, which helps in digestion. During eating make 3 parts of stomach: One for food, second for water and 3rd empty.
Eat in such a way as Prophet Mohammad (SAW) said. Eat by using fingers instead of spoon and fork. Because by the order of Allah, fingers secrete enzymes during eating, which helps in digestion. During eating make 3 parts of stomach: One for food, second for water and 3rd empty.
After finishing eating praise Allah by saying:
All praise is for Allah, the one who fed us, who gave us drink, and made us among the Muslims.
If we follow these rules of eating, we will never be getting any Indigestion or stomach problems.
During sleeping if we sleep in such a way as. Prophet Mohammad (SAW) said, we will take sound sleep; never get any anxiety and tension. Before sleep we should recite the doua given by Allah through Prophet Mohammad (SAW):
All praise is for Allah, the one who fed us, who gave us drink, and made us among the Muslims.
If we follow these rules of eating, we will never be getting any Indigestion or stomach problems.
During sleeping if we sleep in such a way as. Prophet Mohammad (SAW) said, we will take sound sleep; never get any anxiety and tension. Before sleep we should recite the doua given by Allah through Prophet Mohammad (SAW):
Oh Allah! With Your name do I die and live
If we follow the rule of Sleeping given by Allah, we will never need to take tranquilizer during sleep. In the morning when we get up from bed, we should recite:
All praise is for Allah, the one who gave us life after death and to Him is our return.
These are called Tib-e-Nabvi, means medical Knowledge given by Prophet Mohammad (SAW). This is also Sunnah (tradition and practice of our Prophet SAW). We eat because we feel hungry; we sleep because we need body rest. But eating and sleeping according to Tib-e-Nabvi (Medical knowledge given by Prophet SAW) can become Ebada (worship).
Although we are eating and sleeping for our own desire, but we will get Baraka (blessings) from Allah, because we are following Sunnah (tradition and practice of our Prophet SAW). Don't eat carelessly, thoughtlessly and greedily. Eat in a balanced manner.
Those who do not believe or follow Allah's Health Rule or Natural Health Code are seen facing many health problems. For example: Anxiety and Tension: It is a disease of modern World and developed in Western Countries.
If we pass our lives by following Allah's Health Rule, we will take sound sleep and there will be no anxiety and Tension.
Skin Disease: Clean and wash the organ of body with water after Urination and after passing the waste materials from the body. It is very important to protect ourselves from skin diseases and other Critical problems. Those who are not following Allah's Health Rule or Health Code face many skin and other health ailments.
As we all know in the Western countries in Rest Rooms, there is concept to clean the organ and body part after Urination and passing the waste materials from body by Toilet papers, but there is no concept of washing with water, so we are seeing that Skin Diseases and other diseases related to lack of proper Hygienic Care are on increase.
Liver Disease: Use of alcohol is not allowed in Allah's health Rule. It's intoxication that brings lose of sense of well being and also its continuous use damage the liver and kidney. So those, who don't follow Allah's Health Rule, suffer in these areas and we are witnessing the percentage of kidney damage and Liver Diseases for this harmful habit which are on increase.
Its very unfortunate, people ferment the fruits, vegetables and herbs and make wine & liquor. It’s sheer abuse of Vegetations. Use the herbs and natural form and do not abuse it.
Its very unfortunate, people ferment the fruits, vegetables and herbs and make wine & liquor. It’s sheer abuse of Vegetations. Use the herbs and natural form and do not abuse it.
So to protect ourselves from diseases, to keep ourselves healthy, we must obey Allah's order, and implement it in every field of life. By following the example of Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W) we can not only have a healthy life, but make our all activities a part of Ebada (worship). Simultaneously we should convey the Allah's order to people of the book and other non-believers, so they can become aware of how they can protect themselves from diseases, and germs.
There are many hidden truths to keep our selves healthy, and we must make efforts to know and understand them, and the greatness and power of Allah (God, the Creator).
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